Advanced Marine Water Softeners, Sand Filters, Iron Filters, Corbon Filters


Advanced Water Softeners for Saving Electronic Machines from Scaling and also make your skin healthy and have long shiny hair.

water softeners

Sand Filters

marine sand filter

Sand Filters

Sand filtration is used for the removal of suspended matter, as well as floating and sinkable particles. The wastewater flows vertically through a fine bed of sand and/or gravel. Particles are removed by way of absorption or physical encapsulation. If there is excessive pressure loss on the filter, it must be rinsed.

Iron Filters

The Iron Removal Filters are designed to remove the Excess Iron content present in the feed water with minimum pressure drop. Most iron filtration systems operate on the principal of oxidizing the iron (oxidation) to convert it from a ferrous (dissolved or soluble) to a ferric or undissolved state.
Iron Water Filter

Carbon Filters

carbon filter

Carbon Filters

Marine’s Carbon Filter is an automatic carbon filtration system that delivers clear water from chlorinated water. It is designed to remove all the unwanted chemicals and organic compounds like chlorine, pesticides, and other Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that may be present in the water.

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